About Us
Velley General Trading (hereafter “Velley or the Company”) was formed in 2008 in response to the prevailing conditions that requires a mirage of expertise in the development of our country’s infrastructure i.e. Road, Building, Mines and Communities through the development and transfer of skills mainly targeting women and youth. It was operating as Hundadi Construction.
Management Team
Our experienced management works hard to accommodate all your needs and to exceed all your expectations.
Our friendly and experienced staff is always eager to helping you.
Management Team
1. Malekate Jeremiah Mseteka (Executive Director)
2. Mohube Jacob Mseteka (General Manager)
3. Pieter Meiring (Civil Engineer)
4. Marius Marais (Occupational Health Safety Officer )
Community Relations
Velley General Trading is committed to managing issues, opportunities and benefits within the areas surrounding our operations.To fulfil this commitmentwe will:-
1. Respect and value the local community traditions
2. Develop, implement and maintain management systems to identify, monitor and control existing and potential impacts on the local community
3. Develop relationships with local community leaders based on mutual trust and honesty
4. Ensure the local community is informed and, when required, involved in the operations’ development
5. Provide the local community employment and training opportunities
6. Ensure our personnel understand their role in implementing the requirements of this policy
7. Review our community relations policy in order to keep it relevant to stakeholder concerns.